Digital project work in progress:
In collaboration with the association, France Terre d’Asile, and the support of the TBWA, we have developed a tool based on a universal language, emojis. This simple tool allows the improvement of day to day life for refugees who can have access to information while maneuvering around the language barrier. The addresses referenced on 505 migrants are updated monthly and available to everyone.
Using this tool:
There are two ways to use 505 migrants:
1) Scan the QR code on the flyer.
2) Add the WhatsApp number to your contacts and start up a conversation.
When the user opens up a conversation on the app whatsapp, all he has to do is send one of the “help” emojis which allows them to be guided to the closest place to find help.

Our TikTok and Youtube channels:
The Idea:
The youtube channel of Watizat: Information channel for refugees.
In developing our digital presence, the creation of a tiktok and youtube channel became essential in reaching out to refugees in France. The main advantage of putting our content on our channel is not only that it provides crucial information from our guides, but it also provides new features that can help our readers. The content is written in collaboration with people who specialise on the rights of refugees and immigrants.
Multilingual content: Our objective is to translate our content into languages that are largely spoken by refugees. Each video will be in a specific language that has a bilingual presenter to give explanations.
Length of videos: our videos are formatted to be less than 10 minutes long so as to avoid overloading the viewer with information. The comments sections allow the viewers to ask questions for clarity.
All the videos on our youtube channel are also available on our facebook account.
Tiktok channel: Watizatasso
Length of the videos: our videos last around 1 minute to allow for only the most important information that must be remembered in case of emergency. This allows the viewer to obtain concise and clear information in a short amount of time.
Videos on our tiktok channel are also available on our facebook account.